Discover The 5 Biggest Mistakes
Floral Creatives Make &
How To Overcome Them
This Free GROWTH Webinar for
will Show You The Proven Strategies for Avoiding Disharmony in Design & Live, Burn-out, Or Being Broke. instead you will be Getting More Clarity How To Succeed As A Floral Creative.
In This FREE Webinar You Will Discover:
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Floral Creatives Make
& How To Overcome Them
The #1 Reason Professional Floral Creatives Don't Reach Their Full Potential
The Live Changing Strategy For Balance And Fulfillment
PS: Tom will present a unique and new offer at the end of the webinar
This Is NOT A "Fluff" Webinar!
Everything I Show & Give You In This Webinar I've Used PERSONALLY To Help My Students To Get More Clarity About There Path For A More Fulfilling Life As A Floral Creative.
No Fluff, Only Actionable Steps That Show You How To Grow And Start Getting Results Faster.

How often do you feel creatively stuck, frustrated about getting clients to pay you what you are worth? Are you struggling to make your floral design work or to find your spot in the floral industry?
We invite you to join us on a live journey of self-awareness & floral skill mastery. Led by Tom De Houwer, one of the world's leading floral designers. For decades, Tom has inspired thousands of people, worldwide, through his unique teachings & philosophies.
No matter your level of skill, become the creator you desire to be. Refresh your imagination, gain new skills, grow your creativity, and get a deeper understanding of how to succeed as a creative.
Does This Actually Work?
Read The Reactions From Floral Creatives
Just Like You!
Students From My 6-Day Masterclass.

It has been one of a kind experience... we have been sharing and working on so many more skills rather than few techniques and at the end we all found ourselves enriched by our values, by our inner strength, creativity and our love for beauty. Finally I could not be more grateful for the emotion I felt, the soul mates and the respect I found. I now know the way I want to Bloom Up.

“Tom’s unconventional holistic approach in his teaching is essentially relevant to reach your highest creative potential. His profound insight and knowledge of the often seemingly illusive creative energy that exists in all of us, is solid and real because it comes from a place of his own lived experience as an artist. His humble curiosity to keep learning himself and his unwavering courage to dare to be different remains an enormous source of inspiration.

“The Bloom Up Masterclass Course made me a richer person. The course gave me an extra dimension, a challenge, and lots to think over. This course is so much more than learning new techniques. It was about rediscovering myself, reflection & questioning, and learning to become a better version of myself. I was connected to beautiful people and I learned a lot from them by talking and listening, and cherishing the powerful moments together. Good things happen when you meet strangers and feel that after a week you are all so connected and have become part of a wonderful family.”

“The week of the course I came in skeptic, an independent person who did everything myself. At Tom’s Masterclass Course we learned about self-reflection and at that moment the world change for me. I could look at myself and see what my deep desires were which is so important in finding peace and achieving goals in my life. I was also changed by the group of individuals, we grew as one big family. I believe everybody who participated had an evolution during the master class course. I never dreamed of the things I was looking at the scores. And for that a great thanks to Tom, the Master, and Erin, the silent engine behind the duo.